Manipulating cubes and extracting subcubes ========================================== Modifying the spectral axis --------------------------- As mentioned in :doc:`accessing`, it is straightforward to find the coordinates along the spectral axis using the :attr:`~spectral_cube.spectral_cube.BaseSpectralCube.spectral_axis` attribute:: >>> cube.spectral_axis # doctest: +SKIP [ -2.97198762e+03 -2.63992044e+03 -2.30785327e+03 -1.97578610e+03 -1.64371893e+03 -1.31165176e+03 -9.79584583e+02 -6.47517411e+02 ... 3.15629983e+04 3.18950655e+04 3.22271326e+04 3.25591998e+04 3.28912670e+04 3.32233342e+04] m / s The default units of a spectral axis are determined from the FITS header or WCS object used to initialize the cube, but it is also possible to change the spectral axis unit using :meth:`~spectral_cube.SpectralCube.with_spectral_unit`:: >>> from astropy import units as u >>> cube2 = cube.with_spectral_unit( / u.s) # doctest: +SKIP >>> cube2.spectral_axis # doctest: +SKIP [ -2.97198762e+00 -2.63992044e+00 -2.30785327e+00 -1.97578610e+00 -1.64371893e+00 -1.31165176e+00 -9.79584583e-01 -6.47517411e-01 ... 3.02347296e+01 3.05667968e+01 3.08988639e+01 3.12309311e+01 3.15629983e+01 3.18950655e+01 3.22271326e+01 3.25591998e+01 3.28912670e+01 3.32233342e+01] km / s It is also possible to change from velocity to frequency for example, but this requires specifying the rest frequency or wavelength as well as a convention for the doppler shift calculation:: >>> cube3 = cube.with_spectral_unit(u.GHz, velocity_convention='radio', ... rest_value=200 * u.GHz) # doctest: +SKIP [ 220.40086492 220.40062079 220.40037667 220.40013254 220.39988841 220.39964429 220.39940016 220.39915604 220.39891191 220.39866778 ... 220.37645231 220.37620818 220.37596406 220.37571993 220.3754758 220.37523168 220.37498755 220.37474342 220.3744993 220.37425517] GHz The new cubes will then preserve the new spectral units when computing moments for example (see :doc:`moments`). Extracting a spectral slab -------------------------- Given a spectral cube, it is easy to extract a sub-cube covering only a subset of the original range in the spectral axis. To do this, you can use the :meth:`~spectral_cube.SpectralCube.spectral_slab` method. This method takes lower and upper bounds for the spectral axis, as well as an optional rest frequency, and returns a new :class:`~spectral_cube.SpectralCube` instance. The bounds can be specified as a frequency, wavelength, or a velocity but the units have to match the type of the spectral units in the cube (if they do not match, first use :meth:`~spectral_cube.SpectralCube.with_spectral_unit` to ensure that they are in the same units). The bounds should be given as Astropy :class:`Quantities ` as follows:: >>> from astropy import units as u >>> subcube = cube.spectral_slab(-50 * / u.s, +50 * / u.s) # doctest: +SKIP The resulting cube ``subcube`` (which is also a :class:`~spectral_cube.SpectralCube` instance) then contains all channels that overlap with the range -50 to 50 km/s relative to the rest frequency assumed by the world coordinates, or the rest frequency specified by a prior call to :meth:`~spectral_cube.SpectralCube.with_spectral_unit`. Extracting a sub-cube by indexing --------------------------------- It is also easy to extract a sub-cube from pixel coordinates using standard Numpy slicing notation:: >>> sub_cube = cube[:100, 10:50, 10:50] # doctest: +SKIP This returns a new :class:`~spectral_cube.SpectralCube` object with updated WCS information. .. _reg: Extracting a subcube from a DS9/CRTF region ------------------------------------------- You can use `DS9 `_/`CRTF `_ regions to extract subcubes. The minimal enclosing subcube will be extracted with a two-dimensional mask corresponding to the DS9/CRTF region. `Regions `_ is required for region parsing. CRTF regions may also contain spectral cutout information. This example shows extraction of a subcube from a ds9 region file ``file.reg``. `` parses the ds9 file and converts it to a list of `~regions.Region` objects:: >>> import regions # doctest: +SKIP >>> region_list ='file.reg') # doctest: +SKIP >>> sub_cube = cube.subcube_from_regions(region_list) # doctest: +SKIP This one shows extraction of a subcube from a CRTF region file ``file.crtf``, parsed using `~regions.read_crtf`:: >>> import regions # doctest: +SKIP >>> region_list = regions.read_crtf('file.reg') # doctest: +SKIP >>> sub_cube = cube.subcube_from_regions(region_list) # doctest: +SKIP If you want to loop over individual regions with a single region file, you need to convert the individual regions to lists of that region:: >>> region_list ='file.reg') #doctest: +SKIP >>> for region in region_list: #doctest: +SKIP >>> sub_cube = cube.subcube_from_regions([region]) #doctest: +SKIP You can also directly use a ds9 region string. This example extracts a 0.1 degree circle around the Galactic Center:: >>> region_str = "galactic; circle(0, 0, 0.1)" # doctest: +SKIP >>> sub_cube = cube.subcube_from_ds9region(region_str) # doctest: +SKIP Similarly, you can also use a CRTF region string:: >>> region_str = "circle[[0deg, 0deg], 0.1deg], coord=galactic, range=[150km/s, 300km/s]" # doctest: +SKIP >>> sub_cube = cube.subcube_from_crtfregion(region_str) # doctest: +SKIP CRTF regions that specify a subset in the spectral dimension can be used to produce full 3D cutouts. The ``meta`` attribute of a `regions.Region` object contains the spectral information for that region in the three special keywords ``range``, ``restfreq``, and ``veltype``:: >>> import regions # doctest: +SKIP >>> from astropy import units as u >>> regpix = regions.RectanglePixelRegion(regions.PixCoord(0.5, 1), width=4, height=2) # doctest: +SKIP >>> regpix.meta['range'] = [150 *, 300 *] # spectral range # doctest: +SKIP >>> regpix.meta['restfreq'] = [100 * u.GHz] # rest frequency # doctest: +SKIP >>> regpix.meta['veltype'] = 'OPTICAL' # velocity convention # doctest: +SKIP >>> subcube = cube.subcube_from_regions([regpix]) # doctest: +SKIP If ``range`` is specified, but the other two keywords are not, the code will likely crash. Extract the minimal valid subcube --------------------------------- If you have a mask that masks out some of the cube edges, such that the resulting sub-cube might be smaller in memory, it can be useful to extract the minimal enclosing sub-cube:: >>> sub_cube = cube.minimal_subcube() # doctest: +SKIP You can also shrink any cube by this mechanism:: >>> sub_cube = cube.with_mask(smaller_region).minimal_subcube() # doctest: +SKIP If you have many cubes that are the same shape, and you want to cut them out in the same way (e.g., for CASA image, model, residual, and other cubes), you can get the slice to make the cutout and reuse it. It can also be helpful to cut only in the spatial dimensions:: >>> subcube_slice = cube.subcube_slices_from_mask(cube.mask, spatial_only=True) >>> mod_subcube = modcube[subcube_slice] >>> resid_subcube = residcube[subcube_slice] >>> subcube = cube[subcube_slice] Extract a spatial and spectral subcube -------------------------------------- There is a generic subcube function that allows slices in the spatial and spectral axes simultaneously, as long as the spatial axes are aligned with the pixel axes. An arbitrary example looks like this:: >>> sub_cube = cube.subcube(xlo=5*u.deg, xhi=6*u.deg, # doctest: +SKIP ylo=2*u.deg, yhi=2.1*u.deg, # doctest: +SKIP zlo=50*u.GHz, zhi=51*u.GHz) # doctest: +SKIP