from astropy import units as u
from astropy import log
import numpy as np
import warnings
import abc
import astropy
from import Card
from radio_beam import Beam, Beams
import dask.array as da
from . import wcs_utils
from . import cube_utils
from .utils import BeamWarning, cached, WCSCelestialError, BeamAverageWarning, NoBeamError, BeamUnitsError
from .masks import BooleanArrayMask
__doctest_skip__ = ['']
__all__ = ['BaseNDClass', 'BeamMixinClass',
'HeaderMixinClass', 'MaskableArrayMixinClass',
'MultiBeamMixinClass', 'SpatialCoordMixinClass',
DOPPLER_CONVENTIONS['radio'] = u.doppler_radio
DOPPLER_CONVENTIONS['optical'] = u.doppler_optical
DOPPLER_CONVENTIONS['relativistic'] = u.doppler_relativistic
class BaseNDClass(object):
_cache = {}
def _nowcs_header(self):
Return a copy of the header with no WCS information attached
log.debug("Stripping WCS from header")
return wcs_utils.strip_wcs_from_header(self._header)
def wcs(self):
return self._wcs
def meta(self):
return self._meta
def mask(self):
return self._mask
def mask(self, value):
self._mask = value
class SpatialCoordMixinClass(object):
def _has_wcs_celestial(self):
return self.wcs.has_celestial
def _raise_wcs_no_celestial(self):
if not self._has_wcs_celestial:
raise WCSCelestialError("WCS does not contain two spatial axes.")
def _celestial_axes(self):
Return the spatial axes in the data from the WCS object. The order of
the spatial axes returned is [y, x].
# This works for astropy >v3
# wcs_cel_axis = [self.wcs.world_axis_physical_types.index(axtype)
# for axtype in
# self.wcs.celestial.world_axis_physical_types]
# This works for all LTS releases
wcs_cel_axis = [ax for ax, ax_type in enumerate(self.wcs.get_axis_types()) if
ax_type['coordinate_type'] == 'celestial']
# Swap to numpy ordering
# Since we're mapping backwards to get the numpy convention, we need to
# reverse the order at the end.
# 0 is the y spatial axis and 1 is the x spatial axis
np_order_cel_axis = [self.ndim - 1 - ind for ind in wcs_cel_axis][::-1]
return np_order_cel_axis
def world(self, view):
Return a list of the world coordinates in a cube, projection, or a view
of it. is called with *bracket notation*, like
a NumPy array::[0:3, :, :]
[v, y, x] : list of NumPy arrays
The 3 world coordinates at each pixel in the view. For a 2D image,
the output is ``[y, x]``.
Extract the first 3 velocity channels of the cube:
>>> v, y, x =[0:3]
Extract all the world coordinates:
>>> v, y, x =[:, :, :]
Extract every other pixel along all axes:
>>> v, y, x =[::2, ::2, ::2]
Extract all the world coordinates for a 2D image:
>>> y, x =[:, :]
# the next 3 lines are equivalent to (but more efficient than)
# inds = np.indices(self._data.shape)
# inds = [i[view] for i in inds]
inds = np.ogrid[[slice(0, s) for s in self.shape]]
inds = np.broadcast_arrays(*inds)
inds = [i[view] for i in inds[::-1]] # numpy -> wcs order
shp = inds[0].shape
inds = np.column_stack([i.ravel() for i in inds])
world = self._wcs.all_pix2world(inds, 0).T
world = [w.reshape(shp) for w in world] # 1D->3D
# apply units
world = [w * u.Unit(self._wcs.wcs.cunit[i])
for i, w in enumerate(world)]
# convert spectral unit if needed
if hasattr(self, "_spectral_unit"):
if self._spectral_unit is not None:
specind = self.wcs.wcs.spec
world[specind] = world[specind].to(self._spectral_unit)
return world[::-1] # reverse WCS -> numpy order
def flattened_world(self, view=()):
Retrieve the world coordinates corresponding to the extracted flattened
version of the cube
return [wd_dim.ravel() for wd_dim in[view]]
def world_spines(self):
Returns a list of 1D arrays, for the world coordinates
along each pixel axis.
Raises error if this operation is ill-posed (e.g. rotated world
coordinates, strong distortions)
This method is not currently implemented. Use
``world`` instead.
raise NotImplementedError()
def spatial_coordinate_map(self):
view = tuple([0 for ii in range(self.ndim - 2)] + [slice(None)] * 2)
return[view][self.ndim - 2:]
def world_extrema(self):
y_ax, x_ax = self._celestial_axes()
corners = [(0, self.shape[x_ax]-1),
(self.shape[y_ax]-1, 0),
(self.shape[y_ax]-1, self.shape[x_ax]-1),
if len(self.shape) == 2:
latlon_corners = [[y, x] for y,x in corners]
latlon_corners = [[0, y, x][1:] for y,x in corners]
lon = u.Quantity([x for y,x in latlon_corners])
lat = u.Quantity([y for y,x in latlon_corners])
_lon_min = lon.min()
_lon_max = lon.max()
_lat_min = lat.min()
_lat_max = lat.max()
return u.Quantity(((,,
def longitude_extrema(self):
return self.world_extrema[0]
def latitude_extrema(self):
return self.world_extrema[1]
class SpectralAxisMixinClass(object):
def _new_spectral_wcs(self, unit, velocity_convention=None,
Returns a new WCS with a different Spectral Axis unit
unit : :class:`~astropy.units.Unit`
Any valid spectral unit: velocity, (wave)length, or frequency.
Only vacuum units are supported.
velocity_convention : 'relativistic', 'radio', or 'optical'
The velocity convention to use for the output velocity axis.
Required if the output type is velocity. This can be either one
of the above strings, or an `astropy.units` equivalency.
rest_value : :class:`~astropy.units.Quantity`
A rest wavelength or frequency with appropriate units. Required if
output type is velocity. The cube's WCS should include this
already if the *input* type is velocity, but the WCS's rest
wavelength/frequency can be overridden with this parameter.
.. note: This must be the rest frequency/wavelength *in vacuum*,
even if your cube has air wavelength units
from .spectral_axis import (convert_spectral_axis,
# Allow string specification of units, for example
if not isinstance(unit, u.Unit):
unit = u.Unit(unit)
# Velocity conventions: required for frq <-> velo
# convert_spectral_axis will handle the case of no velocity
# convention specified & one is required
if velocity_convention in DOPPLER_CONVENTIONS:
velocity_convention = DOPPLER_CONVENTIONS[velocity_convention]
elif (velocity_convention is not None and
velocity_convention not in DOPPLER_CONVENTIONS.values()):
raise ValueError("Velocity convention must be radio, optical, "
"or relativistic.")
# If rest value is specified, it must be a quantity
if (rest_value is not None and
(not hasattr(rest_value, 'unit') or
not rest_value.unit.is_equivalent(u.m, u.spectral()))):
raise ValueError("Rest value must be specified as an astropy "
"quantity with spectral equivalence.")
# Shorter versions to keep lines under 80
ctype_from_vconv = determine_ctype_from_vconv
meta = self._meta.copy()
if 'Original Unit' not in self._meta:
meta['Original Unit'] = self._wcs.wcs.cunit[self._wcs.wcs.spec]
meta['Original Type'] = self._wcs.wcs.ctype[self._wcs.wcs.spec]
out_ctype = ctype_from_vconv(self._wcs.wcs.ctype[self._wcs.wcs.spec],
newwcs = convert_spectral_axis(self._wcs, unit, out_ctype,
return newwcs, meta
def spectral_axis(self):
# spectral objects should be forced to implement this
raise NotImplementedError
class MaskableArrayMixinClass(object):
Mixin class for maskable arrays
def _get_filled_data(self, view=(), fill=np.nan, check_endian=False,
Return the underlying data as a numpy array.
Always returns the spectral axis as the 0th axis
Sets masked values to *fill*
if check_endian:
if not self._data.dtype.isnative:
kind = str(self._data.dtype.kind)
sz = str(self._data.dtype.itemsize)
dt = '=' + kind + sz
data = self._data.astype(dt)
data = self._data
data = self._data
if self._mask is None:
return data[view]
if use_memmap is None and hasattr(self, '_is_huge'):
use_memmap = self._is_huge
return self._mask._filled(data=data, wcs=self._wcs, fill=fill,
view=view, wcs_tolerance=self._wcs_tolerance,
def filled_data(self, view):
Return a portion of the data array, with excluded mask values
replaced by ``fill_value``.
data : Quantity
The masked data.
return u.Quantity(self._get_filled_data(view, fill=self._fill_value),
self.unit, copy=False)
def filled(self, fill_value=None):
if fill_value is not None:
return u.Quantity(self._get_filled_data(fill=fill_value),
self.unit, copy=False)
return self.filled_data[:]
def unitless_filled_data(self, view):
Return a portion of the data array, with excluded mask values
replaced by ``fill_value``.
data : numpy.array
The masked data.
return self._get_filled_data(view, fill=self._fill_value)
def fill_value(self):
""" The replacement value used by `~spectral_cube.base_class.MaskableArrayMixinClass.filled_data`.
fill_value is immutable; use `~spectral_cube.base_class.MaskableArrayMixinClass.with_fill_value`
to create a new cube with a different fill value.
return self._fill_value
def with_fill_value(self, fill_value):
Create a new object with a different ``fill_value``.
This method is fast (it does not copy any data)
return self._new_thing_with(fill_value=fill_value)
def _new_thing_with(self):
raise NotImplementedError
class MultiBeamMixinClass(object):
A mixin class to handle multibeam objects. To be used by
VaryingResolutionSpectralCube's and OneDSpectrum's """
def jtok_factors(self, equivalencies=()):
Compute an array of multiplicative factors that will convert from
Jy/beam to K
factors = []
for bm,frq in zip(self.beams,
# create a beam equivalency for brightness temperature
bmequiv = bm.jtok_equiv(frq)
factor = (u.Jy).to(u.K, equivalencies=bmequiv+list(equivalencies))
factor = np.array(factors)
return factor
def beams(self):
return self._beams[self.goodbeams_mask]
def beams(self, obj):
if not isinstance(obj, Beams):
raise TypeError("beam must be a radio_beam.Beams object.")
if not obj.size == self.shape[0]:
raise ValueError("The Beams object must have the same size as the "
"data. Found a size of {0} and the data have a "
"size of {1}".format(obj.size, self.size))
self._beams = obj
def pixels_per_beam(self):
pixels_per_beam = [( /
(astropy.wcs.utils.proj_plane_pixel_area(self.wcs) *
u.deg**2)).to( for beam in self.beams]
return pixels_per_beam
def unmasked_beams(self):
return self._beams
def goodbeams_mask(self):
if hasattr(self, '_goodbeams_mask'):
return self._goodbeams_mask
return self.unmasked_beams.isfinite
def goodbeams_mask(self, value):
if value.size != self.shape[0]:
raise ValueError("The 'good beams' mask must have the same size "
"as the cube's spectral dimension")
self._goodbeams_mask = value
def identify_bad_beams(self, threshold, reference_beam=None,
Mask out any layers in the cube that have beams that differ from the
central value of the beam by more than the specified threshold.
threshold : float
Fractional threshold
reference_beam : Beam
A beam to use as the reference. If unspecified, ``mid_value`` will
be used to select a middle beam
criteria : list
A list of criteria to compare. Can include
'sr','major','minor','pa' or any subset of those.
mid_value : function
The function used to determine the 'mid' value to compare to. This
will identify the middle-valued beam area/major/minor/pa.
includemask : np.array
A boolean array where ``True`` indicates the good beams
includemask = np.ones(self.unmasked_beams.size, dtype='bool')
all_criteria = {'sr','major','minor','pa'}
if not set.issubset(set(criteria), set(all_criteria)):
raise ValueError("Criteria must be one of the allowed options: "
props = {prop: u.Quantity([getattr(beam, prop) for beam in self.unmasked_beams])
for prop in all_criteria}
if reference_beam is None:
reference_beam = Beam(major=mid_value(props['major']),
for prop in criteria:
val = props[prop]
mid = getattr(reference_beam, prop)
diff = np.abs((val-mid)/mid)
assert diff.shape == includemask.shape
includemask[diff > threshold] = False
return includemask
def average_beams(self, threshold, mask='compute', warn=False):
Average the beams. Note that this operation only makes sense in
limited contexts! Generally one would want to convolve all the beams
to a common shape, but this method is meant to handle the "simple" case
when all your beams are the same to within some small factor and can
therefore be arithmetically averaged.
threshold : float
The fractional difference between beam major, minor, and pa to
mask : 'compute', None, or boolean array
The mask to apply to the beams. Useful for excluding bad channels
and edge beams.
warn : bool
Warn if successful?
new_beam : radio_beam.Beam
A new radio beam object that is the average of the unmasked beams
use_dask = isinstance(self._data, da.Array)
if mask == 'compute':
if use_dask:
# If we are dealing with dask arrays, we compute the beam
# mask once and for all since it is used multiple times in its
# entirety in the remainder of this method.
beam_mask = da.any(da.logical_and(self._mask_include,
self.goodbeams_mask[:, None, None]),
axis=(1, 2))
# da.any appears to return an object dtype instead of a bool
beam_mask = self._compute(beam_mask).astype('bool')
elif self.mask is not None:
beam_mask = np.any(np.logical_and(self.mask.include(),
self.goodbeams_mask[:, None, None]),
axis=(1, 2))
beam_mask = self.goodbeams_mask
if mask.ndim > 1:
beam_mask = np.logical_and(mask, self.goodbeams_mask[:, None, None])
beam_mask = np.logical_and(mask, self.goodbeams_mask)
if not any(beam_mask):
raise ValueError("All beams were excluded using threshold {threshold}"
# use private _beams here because the public one excludes the bad beams
# by default
new_beam = self._beams.average_beam(includemask=beam_mask)
if np.isnan(new_beam):
raise ValueError("Beam was not finite after averaging. "
"This either indicates that there was a problem "
"with the include mask, one of the beam's values, "
"or a bug.")
self._check_beam_areas(threshold, mean_beam=new_beam, mask=beam_mask)
if warn:
warnings.warn("Arithmetic beam averaging is being performed. This is "
"not a mathematically robust operation, but is being "
"permitted because the beams differ by "
return new_beam
def _handle_beam_areas_wrapper(self, function, beam_threshold=None):
Wrapper: if the function takes "axis" and is operating over axis 0 (the
spectral axis), check that the beam threshold is not exceeded before
performing the operation
Also, if the operation *is* valid, average the beam appropriately to
get the output
# deferred import to avoid a circular import problem
from .lower_dimensional_structures import LowerDimensionalObject
if beam_threshold is None:
beam_threshold = self.beam_threshold
def newfunc(*args, **kwargs):
""" Wrapper function around the standard operations to handle beams
when creating projections """
# check that the spectral axis is being operated over. If it is,
# we need to average beams
# moments are a special case b/c they default to axis=0
need_to_handle_beams = (('axis' in kwargs and
((kwargs['axis']==0) or
(hasattr(kwargs['axis'], '__len__') and
0 in kwargs['axis']))) or
('axis' not in kwargs and 'moment' in
if need_to_handle_beams:
# do this check *first* so we don't do an expensive operation
# and crash afterward
avg_beam = self.average_beams(beam_threshold, warn=True)
result = function(*args, **kwargs)
if not isinstance(result, LowerDimensionalObject):
# numpy arrays are sometimes returned; these have no metadata
return result
elif need_to_handle_beams:
result.meta['beam'] = avg_beam
result._beam = avg_beam
return result
return newfunc
def _check_beam_areas(self, threshold, mean_beam, mask=None):
Check that the beam areas are the same to within some threshold
if mask is not None:
assert len(mask) == len(self.unmasked_beams)
mask = np.array(mask, dtype='bool')
mask = np.ones(len(self.unmasked_beams), dtype='bool')
qtys = dict(,,,
# position angles are not really comparable
#pa=u.Quantity([ for bm in self.unmasked_beams], u.deg),
errormessage = ""
for (qtyname, qty) in (qtys.items()):
minv = qty[mask].min()
maxv = qty[mask].max()
mn = getattr(mean_beam, qtyname)
maxdiff = (np.max(np.abs(u.Quantity((maxv-mn, minv-mn))))/mn).decompose()
if isinstance(threshold, dict):
th = threshold[qtyname]
th = threshold
if maxdiff > th:
errormessage += ("Beam {2}s differ by up to {0}x, which is greater"
" than the threshold {1}\n".format(maxdiff,
if errormessage != "":
raise ValueError(errormessage)
def mask_out_bad_beams(self, threshold, reference_beam=None,
See `identify_bad_beams`. This function returns a masked cube
newcube : VaryingResolutionSpectralCube
The cube with bad beams masked out
goodbeams = self.identify_bad_beams(threshold=threshold,
includemask = BooleanArrayMask(goodbeams[:, None, None],
use_dask = isinstance(self._data, da.Array)
if use_dask:
newmask = da.logical_and(self._mask_include,
elif self.mask is None:
newmask = includemask
newmask = np.bitwise_and(self.mask, includemask)
return self._new_thing_with(mask=newmask,
goodbeams_mask=np.bitwise_and(self.goodbeams_mask, goodbeams),
def with_beams(self, beams, goodbeams_mask=None, raise_error_jybm=True):
Attach a new beams object to the VaryingResolutionSpectralCube.
beams : `~radio_beam.Beams`
A new beams object.
# Catch cases with units in Jy/beam where new beams will alter the units.
meta = self.meta.copy()
meta['beams'] = beams
return self._new_thing_with(beams=beams, meta=meta)
def _new_thing_with(self):
# since the above two methods require this method, it's an ABC of this
# mixin as well
raise NotImplementedError
class BeamMixinClass(object):
Functionality for objects with a single beam.
Specific objects (cubes, LDOs) still need to define their own ``with_beam``
def beam(self):
if self._beam is None:
raise NoBeamError("No beam is defined for this SpectralCube or the"
" beam information could not be parsed from the"
" header. A `~radio_beam.Beam` object can be"
" added using `cube.with_beam`.")
return self._beam
def beam(self, obj):
if not isinstance(obj, Beam) and obj is not None:
raise TypeError("beam must be a radio_beam.Beam object.")
self._beam = obj
def pixels_per_beam(self):
return ( /
(astropy.wcs.utils.proj_plane_pixel_area(self.wcs) *