Source code for spectral_cube.ytcube

from __future__ import print_function, absolute_import, division

import six
import os
import subprocess
import numpy as np
import time
from astropy.utils.console import ProgressBar
from astropy import log
import warnings

__all__ = ['ytCube']

[docs] class ytCube(object): """ Light wrapper of a yt object with ability to translate yt<->wcs coordinates """ def __init__(self, cube, dataset, spectral_factor=1.0): self.cube = cube self.wcs = cube.wcs self.dataset = dataset self.spectral_factor = spectral_factor
[docs] def world2yt(self, world_coord, first_index=0): """ Convert a position in world coordinates to the coordinates used by a yt dataset that has been generated using the ``to_yt`` method. Parameters ---------- world_coord: `astropy.wcs.WCS.wcs_world2pix`-valid input The world coordinates first_index: 0 or 1 The first index of the data. In python and yt, this should be zero, but for the FITS coordinates, use 1 """ yt_coord = self.wcs.wcs_world2pix([world_coord], first_index)[0] yt_coord[2] = (yt_coord[2] - 0.5)*self.spectral_factor+0.5 return yt_coord
[docs] def yt2world(self, yt_coord, first_index=0): """ Convert a position in yt's coordinates to world coordinates from a yt dataset that has been generated using the ``to_yt`` method. Parameters ---------- world_coord: `astropy.wcs.WCS.wcs_pix2world`-valid input The yt pixel coordinates to convert back to world coordinates first_index: 0 or 1 The first index of the data. In python and yt, this should be zero, but for the FITS coordinates, use 1 """ yt_coord = np.array(yt_coord) # stripping off units yt_coord[2] = (yt_coord[2] - 0.5)/self.spectral_factor+0.5 world_coord = self.wcs.wcs_pix2world([yt_coord], first_index)[0] return world_coord
[docs] def quick_render_movie(self, outdir, size=256, nframes=30, camera_angle=(0,0,1), north_vector=(0,0,1), rot_vector=(1,0,0), colormap='doom', cmap_range='auto', transfer_function='auto', start_index=0, image_prefix="", output_filename='out.mp4', log_scale=False, rescale=True): """ Create a movie rotating the cube 360 degrees from PP -> PV -> PP -> PV -> PP Parameters ---------- outdir: str The output directory in which the individual image frames and the resulting output mp4 file should be stored size: int The size of the individual output frame in pixels (i.e., size=256 will result in a 256x256 image) nframes: int The number of frames in the resulting movie camera_angle: 3-tuple The initial angle of the camera north_vector: 3-tuple The vector of 'north' in the data cube. Default is coincident with the spectral axis rot_vector: 3-tuple The vector around which the camera will be rotated colormap: str A valid colormap. See `yt.show_colormaps` transfer_function: 'auto' or `yt.visualization.volume_rendering.TransferFunction` Either 'auto' to use the colormap specified, or a valid TransferFunction instance log_scale: bool Should the colormap be log scaled? rescale: bool If True, the images will be rescaled to have a common 95th percentile brightness, which can help reduce flickering from having a single bright pixel in some projections start_index : int The number of the first image to save image_prefix : str A string to prepend to the image name for each image that is output output_filename : str The movie file name to output. The suffix may affect the file type created. Defaults to 'out.mp4'. Will be placed in ``outdir`` Returns ------- """ try: import yt except ImportError: raise ImportError("yt could not be imported. Cube renderings are not possible.") scale = np.max(self.cube.shape) if not os.path.exists(outdir): os.makedirs(outdir) elif not os.path.isdir(outdir): raise OSError("Output directory {0} exists and is not a directory.".format(outdir)) if cmap_range == 'auto': upper = self.cube.max().value lower = self.cube.std().value * 3 cmap_range = [lower,upper] if transfer_function == 'auto': tfh = self.auto_transfer_function(cmap_range, log=log_scale)[0], cmap_range[1], colormap=colormap) tf = else: tf = transfer_function center = self.dataset.domain_center cam =, camera_angle, scale, size, tf, north_vector=north_vector, fields='flux') im = cam.snapshot() images = [im] pb = ProgressBar(nframes) for ii,im in enumerate(cam.rotation(2 * np.pi, nframes, rot_vector=rot_vector)): images.append(im) im.write_png(os.path.join(outdir,"%s%04i.png" % (image_prefix, ii+start_index)), rescale=False) pb.update(ii+1)"Rendering complete in {0}s".format(time.time() - pb._start_time)) if rescale: _rescale_images(images, os.path.join(outdir, image_prefix)) pipe = _make_movie(outdir, prefix=image_prefix, filename=output_filename) return images
[docs] def auto_transfer_function(self, cmap_range, log=False, colormap='doom', **kwargs): from yt.visualization.volume_rendering.transfer_function_helper import TransferFunctionHelper tfh = TransferFunctionHelper(self.dataset) tfh.set_field('flux') tfh.set_bounds(bounds=cmap_range) tfh.set_log(log) tfh.build_transfer_function() return tfh
[docs] def quick_isocontour(self, level='3 sigma', title='', description='', color_map='hot', color_log=False, export_to='sketchfab', filename=None, **kwargs): """ Export isocontours to sketchfab Requires that you have an account on and are logged in Parameters ---------- level: str or float The level of the isocontours to create. Can be specified as n-sigma with strings like '3.3 sigma' or '2 sigma' (there must be a space between the number and the word) title: str A title for the uploaded figure description: str A short description for the uploaded figure color_map: str Any valid colormap. See `yt.show_colormaps` color_log: bool Whether the colormap should be log scaled. With the default parameters, this has no effect. export_to: 'sketchfab', 'obj', 'ply' You can export to sketchfab, to a .obj file (and accompanying .mtl file), or a .ply file. The latter two require ``filename`` specification filename: None or str Optional - prefix for output filenames if ``export_to`` is 'obj', or the full filename when ``export_to`` is 'ply'. Ignored for 'sketchfab' kwargs: dict Keyword arguments are passed to the appropriate yt function Returns ------- The result of the `yt.surface.export_sketchfab` function """ if isinstance(level, six.string_types): sigma = self.cube.std().value level = float(level.split()[0]) * sigma self.dataset.periodicity = (True,True,True) surface = self.dataset.surface(self.dataset.all_data(), "flux", level) if export_to == 'sketchfab': if filename is not None: warnings.warn("sketchfab export does not expect a filename entry") return surface.export_sketchfab(title=title, description=description, color_map=color_map, color_log=color_log, **kwargs) elif export_to == 'obj': if filename is None: raise ValueError("If export_to is not 'sketchfab'," " a filename must be specified") surface.export_obj(filename, color_field='ones', color_map=color_map, color_log=color_log, **kwargs) elif export_to == 'ply': if filename is None: raise ValueError("If export_to is not 'sketchfab'," " a filename must be specified") surface.export_ply(filename, color_field='ones', color_map=color_map, color_log=color_log, **kwargs) else: raise ValueError("export_to must be one of sketchfab,obj,ply")
def _rescale_images(images, prefix): """ Save a sequence of images, at a common scaling Reduces flickering """ cmax = max(np.percentile(i[:, :, :3].sum(axis=2), 99.5) for i in images) amax = max(np.percentile(i[:, :, 3], 95) for i in images) for i, image in enumerate(images): image = image.rescale(cmax=cmax, amax=amax).swapaxes(0,1) image.write_png("%s%04i.png" % (prefix, i), rescale=False) def _make_movie(moviepath, prefix="", filename='out.mp4', overwrite=True): """ Use ffmpeg to generate a movie from the image series """ outpath = os.path.join(moviepath, filename) if os.path.exists(outpath) and overwrite: command = ['ffmpeg', '-y', '-r','5','-i', os.path.join(moviepath,prefix+'%04d.png'), '-r','30','-pix_fmt', 'yuv420p', outpath] elif os.path.exists(outpath):"File {0} exists - skipping".format(outpath)) else: command = ['ffmpeg', '-r', '5', '-i', os.path.join(moviepath,prefix+'%04d.png'), '-r','30','-pix_fmt', 'yuv420p', outpath] pipe = subprocess.Popen(command, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, close_fds=True) pipe.wait() return pipe