.. _doc_dask: Integration with dask ===================== Getting started --------------- When loading a cube with the :class:`~spectral_cube.SpectralCube` class, it is possible to optionally specify the ``use_dask`` keyword argument to control whether or not to use new experimental classes (:class:`~spectral_cube.DaskSpectralCube` and :class:`~spectral_cube.DaskVaryingResolutionSpectralCube`) that use `dask `_ for representing cubes and carrying out computations efficiently. The default is ``use_dask=True`` when reading in CASA spectral cubes, but not when loading cubes from other formats. To read in a FITS cube using the dask-enabled classes, you can do:: >>> from astropy.utils import data >>> from spectral_cube import SpectralCube >>> fn = data.get_pkg_data_filename('tests/data/example_cube.fits', 'spectral_cube') >>> cube = SpectralCube.read(fn, use_dask=True) >>> cube DaskSpectralCube with shape=(7, 4, 3) and unit=Jy / beam and chunk size (7, 4, 3): n_x: 3 type_x: RA---ARC unit_x: deg range: 52.231466 deg: 52.231544 deg n_y: 4 type_y: DEC--ARC unit_y: deg range: 31.243639 deg: 31.243739 deg n_s: 7 type_s: VRAD unit_s: m / s range: 14322.821 m / s: 14944.909 m / s Most of the properties and methods that normally work with :class:`~spectral_cube.SpectralCube` should continue to work with :class:`~spectral_cube.DaskSpectralCube`. For an interactive demonstration, see the `Guide to Dask Optimization `_. .. TODO: UPDATE THE LINK TO THE TUTORIAL once merged Schedulers and parallel computations ------------------------------------ By default, we use the ``'synchronous'`` `dask scheduler `_ which means that calculations are run in a single process/thread. However, you can control this using the :meth:`~spectral_cube.DaskSpectralCube.use_dask_scheduler` method: >>> cube.use_dask_scheduler('threads') # doctest: +IGNORE_OUTPUT Any calculation after this will then use the multi-threaded scheduler. It is also possible to use this as a context manager, to temporarily change the scheduler:: >>> with cube.use_dask_scheduler('threads'): # doctest: +IGNORE_OUTPUT ... cube.max() You can optionally specify the number of threads/processes to use with ``num_workers``:: >>> with cube.use_dask_scheduler('threads', num_workers=4): # doctest: +IGNORE_OUTPUT ... cube.max() If you don't specify the number of threads, this could end up being quite large, and cause you to run out of memory for certain operations. If you want to use `dask.distributed `_ you will need to make sure you pass the client to the :meth:`~spectral_cube.DaskSpectralCube.use_dask_scheduler` method, e.g.:: >>> from dask.distributed import Client, LocalCluster # doctest: +SKIP >>> cluster = LocalCluster(n_workers=4, ... threads_per_worker=4, ... memory_limit='10GB') # doctest: +SKIP >>> client = Client(cluster) # doctest: +SKIP >>> cube = SpectralCube.read(...) # doctest: +SKIP >>> cube.use_dask_scheduler(client) # doctest: +SKIP If you run into the following error when using `dask.distributed`_:: An attempt has been made to start a new process before the current process has finished its bootstrapping phase. This probably means that you are not using fork to start your child processes and you have forgotten to use the proper idiom in the main module: if __name__ == '__main__': freeze_support() You should place the main code in your script inside:: if __name__ == '__main__': .. note:: Running operations in parallel may sometimes be less efficient than running them in serial depending on how your data is stored, so don't assume that it will always be faster. If you want to see a progress bar when carrying out calculations, you can make use of the `dask.diagnostics `_ sub-package - run the following at the start of your script/session, and all subsequent calculations will display a progress bar: >>> from dask.diagnostics import ProgressBar >>> pbar = ProgressBar() >>> pbar.register() >>> cube.max() # doctest: +IGNORE_OUTPUT [########################################] | 100% Completed | 0.1s Performance benefits of using dask spectral cube classes Saving intermediate results to disk ----------------------------------- When calling methods such as for example :meth:`~spectral_cube.DaskSpectralCube.convolve_to` or any other methods that return a cube, the result is not immediately calculated - instead, the result is only computed when data is accessed directly (for example via `~spectral_cube.DaskSpectralCube.filled_data`), or when writing the cube to disk, for example as a FITS file. However, when doing several operations in a row, such as spectrally smoothing the cube, then spatially smoothing it, it can be more efficient to store intermediate results to disk. All methods that return a cube can therefore take the ``save_to_tmp_dir`` option (defaulting to `False`) which can be set to `True` to compute the result of the operation immediately, save it to a temporary directory, and re-read it immediately from disk (for users interested in how the data is stored, it is stored as a `zarr `_ dataset):: >>> cube_new = cube.sigma_clip_spectrally(3, save_to_tmp_dir=True) # doctest: +IGNORE_OUTPUT [########################################] | 100% Completed | 0.1s >>> cube_new DaskSpectralCube with shape=(7, 4, 3) and unit=Jy / beam and chunk size (7, 4, 3): n_x: 3 type_x: RA---ARC unit_x: deg range: 52.231466 deg: 52.231544 deg n_y: 4 type_y: DEC--ARC unit_y: deg range: 31.243639 deg: 31.243739 deg n_s: 7 type_s: VRAD unit_s: m / s range: 14322.821 m / s: 14944.909 m / s Note that this requires the `zarr`_ and `fsspec `_ packages to be installed. This can also be beneficial if you are using multiprocessing or multithreading to carry out calculations, because zarr works nicely with disk access from different threads and processes. Rechunking data --------------- In some cases, the way the data is chunked on disk may be inefficient (for example large CASA datasets may be chunked into tens of thousands of blocks), which may make dask operations slow due to the size of the tree. To get around this, you can use the :meth:`~spectral_cube.DaskSpectralCube.rechunk` method with the ``save_to_tmp_dir`` option mentioned above, which will rechunk the data to disk and make subsequent operations more efficient - either by letting dask choose the new chunk size:: >>> cube_new = cube.rechunk(save_to_tmp_dir=True) # doctest: +IGNORE_OUTPUT [########################################] | 100% Completed | 0.1s >>> cube_new DaskSpectralCube with shape=(7, 4, 3) and unit=Jy / beam and chunk size (7, 4, 3): n_x: 3 type_x: RA---ARC unit_x: deg range: 52.231466 deg: 52.231544 deg n_y: 4 type_y: DEC--ARC unit_y: deg range: 31.243639 deg: 31.243739 deg n_s: 7 type_s: VRAD unit_s: m / s range: 14322.821 m / s: 14944.909 m / s or by specifying it explicitly:: >>> cube_new = cube.rechunk(chunks=(2, 2, 2), save_to_tmp_dir=True) # doctest: +IGNORE_OUTPUT [########################################] | 100% Completed | 0.1s >>> cube_new DaskSpectralCube with shape=(7, 4, 3) and unit=Jy / beam and chunk size (2, 2, 2): n_x: 3 type_x: RA---ARC unit_x: deg range: 52.231466 deg: 52.231544 deg n_y: 4 type_y: DEC--ARC unit_y: deg range: 31.243639 deg: 31.243739 deg n_s: 7 type_s: VRAD unit_s: m / s range: 14322.821 m / s: 14944.909 m / s While the :meth:`~spectral_cube.DaskSpectralCube.rechunk` method can be used without the ``save_to_tmp_dir=True`` option, which then just adds the rechunking to the dask tree, doing so is unlikely to lead in performance gains. A common scenario for rechunking is if you plan to do mostly operations that collapse along the spectral axis, for example computing moment maps. In this case you can use:: >>> cube_new = cube.rechunk(chunks=(-1, 'auto', 'auto'), save_to_tmp_dir=True) # doctest: +IGNORE_OUTPUT [########################################] | 100% Completed | 0.1s which will rechunk the data into cubes that span the full spectral axis but will be chunked in the image plane. And a complementary case is if you plan to do operations to each image plane, such as spatial convolution, in which case you can divide the data into spectral chunks that span the whole of the image dimensions:: >>> cube_new = cube.rechunk(chunks=('auto', -1, -1), save_to_tmp_dir=True) # doctest: +IGNORE_OUTPUT [########################################] | 100% Completed | 0.1s Performance benefits of dask classes ------------------------------------ The :class:`~spectral_cube.DaskSpectralCube` class provides in general better performance than the regular :class:`~spectral_cube.SpectralCube` class. As an example, we take a look at a spectral cube in FITS format for which we want to determine the continuum using sigma clipping. When doing this in serial mode, we already see improvements in performance - first we show the regular spectral cube capabilities without dask:: >>> from spectral_cube import SpectralCube >>> cube_plain = SpectralCube.read('large_spectral_cube.fits') # doctest: +SKIP >>> %time cube_plain.sigma_clip_spectrally(1) # doctest: +SKIP ... CPU times: user 5min 58s, sys: 38 s, total: 6min 36s Wall time: 6min 37s and using the :class:`~spectral_cube.DaskSpectralCube` class:: >>> cube_dask = SpectralCube.read('large_spectral_cube.fits', use_dask=True) # doctest: +SKIP >>> %time cube_dask.sigma_clip_spectrally(1, save_to_tmp_dir=True) # doctest: +SKIP ... CPU times: user 51.7 s, sys: 1.29 s, total: 52.9 s Wall time: 51.5 s Using the parallel options mentioned above results in even better performance:: >>> cube_dask.use_dask_scheduler('threads', num_workers=4) # doctest: +SKIP >>> %time cube_dask.sigma_clip_spectrally(1, save_to_tmp_dir=True) # doctest: +SKIP ... CPU times: user 1min 9s, sys: 1.44 s, total: 1min 11s Wall time: 18.5 s In this case, the wall time is 3x faster (and 21x faster than the regular spectral cube class without dask). Applying custom functions to cubes ---------------------------------- Like the :class:`~spectral_cube.SpectralCube` class, the :class:`~spectral_cube.DaskSpectralCube` and :class:`~spectral_cube.DaskVaryingResolutionSpectralCube` classes have methods for applying custom functions to all the spectra or all the spatial images in a cube: :meth:`~spectral_cube.DaskSpectralCube.apply_function_parallel_spectral` and :meth:`~spectral_cube.DaskSpectralCube.apply_function_parallel_spatial`. By default, these methods take functions that apply to individual spectra or images, but this can be quite slow for large spectral cubes. If possible, you should consider supplying a function that can accept 3-d cubes and operate on all spectra or image slices in a vectorized way. To demonstrate this, we will read in a mid-sized CASA dataset with 623 channels and 768x768 pixels in the image plane:: >>> large = SpectralCube.read('large_spectral_cube.image', format='casa_image', use_dask=True) # doctest: +SKIP >>> large # doctest: +SKIP DaskVaryingResolutionSpectralCube with shape=(623, 768, 768) and unit=Jy / beam: n_x: 768 type_x: RA---SIN unit_x: deg range: 290.899389 deg: 290.932404 deg n_y: 768 type_y: DEC--SIN unit_y: deg range: 14.501466 deg: 14.533425 deg n_s: 623 type_s: FREQ unit_s: Hz range: 216201517973.483 Hz:216277445708.200 Hz As an example, we will apply sigma clipping to all spectra in the cube. Note that there is a method to do this (:meth:`~spectral_cube.DaskSpectralCube.sigma_clip_spectrally`) but for the purposes of demonstration, we will set up the function ourselves and apply it with :meth:`~spectral_cube.DaskSpectralCube.apply_function_parallel_spectral`. We will use the :func:`~astropy.stats.sigma_clip` function from astropy:: >>> from astropy.stats import sigma_clip By default, this function returns masked arrays, but to apply this to our spectral cube, we need it to return a plain Numpy array with NaNs for the masked values. In addition, the original function tends to return warnings we want to silence, so we can do this here too:: >>> import warnings >>> import numpy as np >>> def sigma_clip_with_nan(*args, **kwargs): ... with warnings.catch_warnings(): ... warnings.simplefilter('ignore') ... return sigma_clip(*args, axis=0, **kwargs).filled(np.nan) The ``axis=0`` is so that if the function is passed a cube, it will still work properly. Let's now call :meth:`~spectral_cube.DaskSpectralCube.apply_function_parallel_spectral`, including the ``save_to_tmp_dir`` option mentioned previously to force the calculation and the storage of the result to disk:: >>> clipped_cube = large.apply_function_parallel_spectral(sigma_clip_with_nan, sigma=3, ... save_to_tmp_dir=True) # doctest: +SKIP [########################################] | 100% Completed | 1min 42.3s The ``sigma`` argument is passed to the ``sigma_clip_with_nan`` function. We now call this again but specifying that the ``sigma_clip_with_nan`` function can also take cubes, using the ``accepts_chunks=True`` option (note that for this to work properly, the wrapped function needs to include ``axis=0`` in the call to :func:`~astropy.stats.sigma_clip` as shown above):: >>> clipped_cube = large.apply_function_parallel_spectral(sigma_clip_with_nan, sigma=3, ... accepts_chunks=True, ... save_to_tmp_dir=True) # doctest: +SKIP [########################################] | 100% Completed | 56.8s This leads to an improvement in performance of 1.8x in this case. Efficient global statistics --------------------------- If you are interested in computing a number of global statistics (e.g. min, max, mean) for a whole cube, and want to avoid separate calls which would lead to the data being read each time, it is also possible to compute these statistics in a way that each chunk is accessed only once - this is done via the :meth:`~spectral_cube.DaskSpectralCube.statistics` method which returns a dictionary of statistics, which are named using the same convention as CASA's `ia.statistics `_:: >>> stats = cube.statistics() # doctest: +IGNORE_OUTPUT >>> sorted(stats) ['max', 'mean', 'min', 'npts', 'rms', 'sigma', 'sum', 'sumsq'] >>> stats['min'] >>> stats['mean'] This method should respect the current scheduler, so you may be able to get better performance with a multi-threaded scheduler. Reading in CASA data and default chunk size ------------------------------------------- CASA image datasets are typically stored on disk with very small chunks - if we mapped these directly to dask array chunks, this would be very inefficient as the `dask task graph `_ would then contain in some cases tens of thousands of chunks, and because reading the data from disk would be very inefficient as only small amounts of data would be read at a time. To avoid this, the CASA loader for :class:`~spectral_cube.DaskSpectralCube` makes use of the `casa-formats-io `_ package to combine neighboring chunks on disk into a single chunk. The final chunk size is chosen by casa-formats-io by default, but it is also possible to control this by using the ``target_chunksize`` argument to the :meth:`~spectral_cube.DaskSpectralCube.read` method:: >>> cube = SpectralCube.read('spectral_cube.image', format='casa_image', ... target_chunksize=1000000, use_dask=True) # doctest: +SKIP The chunk size is in number of elements, so assuming 64-bit floating point data, a target chunk size of 1000000 translates to a chunk size in memory of 8Mb. The target chunk size is interpreted as a maximum chunk size, so the largest possible chunk size smaller or equal to this limit is used. The chunks on disk are combined along the x image direction, then y, and then spectral - this cannot be customized since this is dependent on how the chunks are organized on disk. There is no single value of ``target_chunksize`` that will be optimal for all use cases - in general the chunk size should ideally be large enough that the I/O is not inefficient and that there are not too many chunks in the final cube, but at the same time, when dealing with cubes larger than memory, it is important that the chunks cover only part of the image plane - if chunks were combined such there there was only one chunk in the x and y directions, then any operation that requires rechunking so that there is only one chunk in the spectral dimension (such as spectral sigma clipping) would result in the whole cube being loaded. The default value is 1000000 - which produces 8Mb chunks - large enough that a large 40Gb cube would have 5000 chunks but small enough that even if 100 such chunks are combined in e.g. the spectral dimension, the memory usage is still reasonable (800Mb).