Installing ``spectral-cube`` ============================ Requirements ------------ This package has the following dependencies: * `Python `_ Python 3.x * `Numpy `_ 1.8 or later * `Astropy `__ 4.0 or later * `radio_beam `_, used when reading in spectral cubes that use the BMAJ/BMIN convention for specifying the beam size. * `Bottleneck `_, optional (speeds up median and percentile operations on cubes with missing data) * `Regions `_ >=0.3dev, optional (Serialises/Deserialises DS9/CRTF region files and handles them. Used when extracting a subcube from region) * `scipy `_, optional (used for subcube creation) * `dask `_, used for the :class:`~spectral_cube.DaskSpectralCube` class * `zarr `_ and `fsspec `_, used for storing computations to disk when using the dask-enabled classes. * `six `_ * `casa-formats-io `_ Installation ------------ To install the latest stable release, you can type:: pip install spectral-cube (you may need to add ``--upgrade`` if you already have an older version installed) or you can download the latest tar file from `PyPI `_ and install it using:: python install If you are using python2.7 (e.g., if you are using CASA version 5 or earlier), the latest spectral-cube version that is compatible is v0.4.4. Note that `Astropy v2.0 __` is the last version to support python2.7. Developer version ----------------- If you want to install the latest developer version of the spectral cube code, you can do so from the git repository:: git clone cd spectral-cube python install You may need to add the ``--user`` option to the last line `if you do not have root access `_. You can also install the latest developer version in a single line with pip:: pip install git+ Installing into CASA -------------------- Installing packages in CASA is fairly straightforward. The process is described `here `_. In short, you can do the following: First, we need to make sure `pip `__ is installed. Start up CASA as normal, and type:: CASA <1>: from setuptools.command import easy_install CASA <2>: easy_install.main(['--user', 'pip']) Now, quit CASA and re-open it, then type the following to install ``spectral-cube``:: CASA <1>: import subprocess, sys CASA <2>: subprocess.check_call([sys.executable, '-m', 'pip', 'install', '--user', 'spectral-cube']) For CASA versions 5 and earlier, you need to install a specific version of spectral-cube because more recent versions of spectral-cube require python3.:: CASA <1>: import subprocess, sys CASA <2>: subprocess.check_call([sys.executable, '-m', 'pip', 'install', '--user', 'spectral-cube==v0.4.4'])