-, outname, append_to_image=True, img=None, add_stokes=True, stokes_posn=None, overwrite=False)[source]¶
Outputs the mask attached to the SpectralCube object as a CASA image, or optionally appends the mask to a preexisting CASA image.
- Parameters:
- SpecCubeSpectralCube
SpectralCube object containing mask.
- outnamestr
Name of the outputted mask file.
- append_to_imagebool, optional
Appends the mask to a given image.
- imgstr, optional
Image to be appended to. Must be specified if append_to_image is enabled.
- add_stokes: bool, optional
Adds a Stokes axis onto the wcs from SpecCube.
- stokes_posnint, optional
Sets the position of the new Stokes axis. Defaults to the last axis.
- overwritebool, optional
Overwrite the image and mask files if they exist?